Saturday, April 17, 2010


Goodbye nothing.  Hello Lily.

I knew before I took the three-hour trip to meet her that the odds were good that I would be bringing her home with me.  It was the look in her eyes, detectable even through a picture.

I stepped from the truck and waited by the fence.  After a few seconds I saw her bounding from a pond then rambling through the horse pasture. Less than a minute later I was tackled to the ground by a wet, slobbering dog and it was over.  I fell in more ways than one.  I signed the adoption papers, dried Lily off and we made the journey home. 



  1. omg, I love that puppy face! Gratz Zu!

  2. i am like, practically crying with happiness here!

    grins from ear to ear <33333333333 u!
