Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Calendar Year

Funny how time goes faster, it seems, with each passing year.  It has been a year to the very date, I think, since I have written a post for my blog. Often it has come to mind, and often it has passed.  Nothing in particular brings me back to writing on this day.  No promises I make to maintain.  As I do on many mornings on my way to work, I thought about the things I want to do....the things I put on the back-burner.  The unimportant, self-indulgent, unnecessary things spawning mostly out of creativity that are at the bottom of the list.  Things saved for empty days when I have nothing to do, and then the female vocalist cried out through the car speakers".....better off dead....", and here I am.

Throughout the day, my head kept drifting off to my past year.  What has happened, what I was going to write.  I had some really good stories in my head this morning. Amazing what just a few hours can do.  When a friend and I were talking the other night, she complained to me that I seem to be always running.  I nodded my head in agreement, and immediately jumped up to refill our wine glasses, returning to the table with a full glass and a 'Now where were we?'

And so.....where were we? Ironically, the last time I wrote was after a hair show and ironically, I just attended the same annual show, coming out of it in a much better mental state as the last.  Thinking back, sometimes you just need a kick in the pants.  A year later, and my bruises have faded.  Not such a big deal afterall.

A couple of weeks ago, I made it to my favorite getaway on the Gulf.  It was great eventhough I did see some effects of the oil spill.  Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting.....even with being rushed home by a tropical storm. 

Each year brings life lessons.  Somehow, this year's lessons seem epic - as if I've entered into another chapter in life's journey.  Presumably, I've mellowed into what I can only refer to as 'middle-agedhood."  I can't say I'm overly exurberant about it although I'm not afraid to admit that I do feel some poise, some quiet and some wisdom.  I feel like I'm finally starting to see the forest for the trees, taking notice of the individual trees, admiring their strength and accepting their flaws.
My hope is that I keep this vision, portray it in my daily life and my work. My intent is to bring the things I find important to the front burner, if only for moments here and there. And with that, I leave you, for now.....

1 comment:

  1. and those ss checks should start rolling in any day now ;)
