Sunday, August 29, 2010

Days Go By

Ok, now who is the big procrastinator here?  For real.  I have been telling myself that I'm gonna write for almost 3 months.  I think it was the utter guilt that I felt after catching up on a good friend's blog that got me to post.  I think she has written nearly every day in the last three months.  I thought I was gonna do the same thing.  I can't even offer an explaination why I haven't other than I have been busy being 'in the moment' and in true Gemini form I have been letting good ideas live and die in my head.
I'm not even sure where to start with the catching up.  I'll just say that things are fine and my head is one swirling hot mess of randomness that could use sorting as bad as my sock drawer.  It has been a long, hot lazy summer.  My garden kept me busy until it burned up in the heat.  I made salsa, fresh tomato sauce for pasta, fried squash and re-discovered fried squash blossoms (OMG!) I pushed aside the yarn and the knitting for the more fitting warm-weather hobby of jewelry-making.  I made a few pretty killer pieces and as a result have a local gallery wanting some of my work.  Lily is tipping the scales at nearly 100 pounds and for the most part remains out of control.  I got new glasses which I despise, but the optician insists they lift my face.  Which, by the way - I learned a phrase never to say to a client.  I got a new oven and a new refrigerator.  I was really tempted to get the oven that had the 'chicken nugget' button on it.  Yep, honest-to-god, there is an oven that has such a button.  (Expect to hear more on this issue at a future date.) I ate enough sushi and drank enough margaritas to last a lifetime, although I know better than that.
The most exciting event of the summer is that my new art studio is in the making.  In a few short weeks, I will once again have a place of my very own.  A small, humble room with a little window and plenty of shelves.  It is the one thing that makes me ready to say goodbye to the summer sun.  The place where I will spend my spare moments getting lost in the process.  And with that, I'll say that I'll write again real soon.


  1. Zu! ZuZu! *looks sternly at you. I am so running in world to smack your butt for not telling me these things - jewelry? art studio? fried squash blossoms? chicken nugget button?

  2. *smiles so hard.

    i dont give a damn about the chicken nugget button. i want some salsa! but yeah the art studio. been holding out bish :)
