Sunday, March 14, 2010


I'm feeling a bit slackassed after spending the entire day doing absolutely nothing besides catching up on shows I DVR'd during the week and catching up on laundry.  I did manage to build a small fire in the pit outside only because, still in mid-march, it's cold as all hell. 

One of my promises to myself for this year was to give back.  I have always donated my time in giving cost-free haircuts for donations to "Locks of Love" and  "Beautiful Lengths."  I have often felt that that was not enough.  So, I have been putting myself out there to help.  It's turned into a beautiful thing.

March is National Hemophelia Awareness Month. My salon is raising money by donating 100% of the proceeds from red haircolor to the National Hemophelia Foundation.  We have added red to our hair to show our support and others in our community are following suit.  Hemophelia is a bleeding disorder in which it takes a long time for the blood to clot after trauma.  In more severe cases, serious bleeding may occur without any cause. Internal bleeding may occur and bleeding into joints is common.  Treatment is to replace the missing factor that causes the blood to clot, usually by injections.  Most often, Hemophelia is a condition that is passed down genetically.

 I have involved myself to help the cause because I have a client who has two young boys with Hemophelia.  She has had to inject them with factor every 36 hours since the day they each were born.  Not only do these boys have to endure shots, but their activities are limited due to the disease.  Although, I have to admit you'd never know it by meeting them or interacting with them.  The youngest told me, when I was putting red streaks in his hair, that he wanted to play football but his dad wouldn't let him.  I don't think there's much out there that scares either boy.

Donations can be made at:


  1. slackassed ?? can i use that in scrabble ???

    good post Z ;-)

  2. Oh thats fab...I'm so proud of you.
    Maybe I should go red??
