Friday, January 8, 2010


A half-inch isn't much, but it was enough to totally disrupt the entire north portion of my state today. Schools were closed, businesses were closed, the streets were empty and the local news frantically reported all day. Because of a mere 1/2-inch of snow. Granted, the temperatures here have been in the teens and some of the snow turned to ice. But I was not considering it such a big deal. Until I realized that I was one of the very few that ventured out. I looked out the window this morning and saw the light dusting thinking what a pretty ride to work it would be. Never ever did I imagine we were in the midst of Snow Jam 2010.

My assistant called saying she couldn't get out of her driveway. My associate hairdresser called saying the same. My clients called and rescheduled. I shrugged my shoulders and took the rest of the day off. Happy Snow Jam 2010!


  1. lmfao !! thats so funny. up in the mountains a half inch doesnt even count. depends where you are. i was in la once and it was 50 degrees. peeps were wearing winter coats !

  2. 'My assistant called saying she couldn't get out of her driveway.'

    laughs and laughs and shakes her head
