Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Indian Princess, Mrs. Piano and The Wacko Patrol

OK, this post isn't intended to make sense - which is partly the point. It is also intended to be a starting point of a series of posts to come. Posts which I hope will help me in sort things out in my head. Nothing earth-shattering, just the sort of sorting I think 'normal' people do on a daily basis. The sort of sorting that I seem to need to schedule time for.

I've thought and said for almost as long as I can remember that I seem to attract weird. If there's a weird person at a party, they talk to me. If something weird happens at a party, it's next to me. Then it seems like the weird will follow me and I will find myself unrealistically linked to that person or event for a while through other people, other events that somehow point back to the original weirdness. The weird starts to snowball, one thing linking itself to another and it becomes almost like a theme. I can look back at my life, whether it be weeks, months or years, and refer to each time period with a name. If all of them had names, that is - because I haven't given them all names. This is just something I started in the last ten years or so. To name a few, there were:

1. The clueless, car-less, dry-cleaner years
2. Wooden Turtle and Wood Heat Period (which overlapped a little with)
3. Don't Fuck With the Worley's Winter
4. Billy, Do You Want Some More Peas?
5. Three Doors Down from the Carny Steakhouse get the point.

The weirdness has started again and people and events just started linking today. I've been told that I should blog about the salon and the weird, random stuff that happens. I've got a lot of stories and not so much time to post. I worked 12 hours while the weird swirled around me. My brain is fried and I can't make sense of it and besides I won't figure it out until it is all over. You know, you look back and realize how and why things happened the way they did. Hindsight, they say, is 20-2o. I have no idea what this period will be named, so the remainder of this post will be the phrases that are swirling around in my head. Little tags I've mentally put on events or people. They don't make sense yet, and each has a story which will I will hopefully post at some point. So, now for the debris spinning in my headstorm:

dog-walking Bob and his window-licking dog . stalker of the future Indian Princess . wacko parade of elsie and mrs. piano . wuss hands are a dead giveaway . renters 4 ways . joangie - trading off . angel or gypsy? . fasting ones are standing idle . hungry ones too busy to eat . shock the monkey . 6th gear . food supply . seven ways to sunday

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